Over 55? What You Need To Know About Prostate Cancer

20 December 2021
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While birthdays are fun when you hit certain milestones, like turning 16 or 21, the older you get, the less fun they become. In fact, milestone birthdays later in life are less about celebrating and more about marking the need for medical testing. Unfortunately, one of the little presents that men get around their 55th birthday is the need to start prostate cancer screenings.  The prostate, part of a man's reproductive system, can develop a cancerous tumor. Read More 

Prevention Is Key For People With Heart Disease Risk Factors

27 September 2021
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If you have a family history of heart disease or if you have risk factors such as hypertension or diabetes, then you may benefit from preventative health visits. Having risk factors does not mean that you will develop cardiovascular disease, although they can heighten your risk. Here are some things to expect at your preventative healthcare visit if you are at risk for heart disease. Electrocardiogram An electrocardiogram, or EKG, is a non-invasive test that assesses your cardiovascular function while you are at rest. Read More 

5 Tricks to Staying Calm While Getting an MRI

13 July 2021
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If you have a health condition that requires you to get an MRI, and you are not that fond of small spaces, it is helpful to have a few tricks up your sleeve to help you stay calm during your MRI. When getting an MRI, it is important for you to stay calm so that the technician can get the best possible image. Learn About the Process Before you get into the MRI machine, talk to your doctor and the technologist who will be running the scan. Read More 

Ibuprofen Vs. Acetaminophen For Joint Inflammation

15 March 2021
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If you have rheumatoid arthritis or another degenerative joint disease, then you probably experience chronic joint inflammation, which not only causes swollen joints but also joint pain. Your physician will develop an individualized plan of care based on your current state of health, past medical history, and your level of pain. Many people who have joint pain and inflammation rely on over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen. Before reaching for one of these drugs, consider the following differences between the two as they pertain to joint inflammation. Read More 

What To Expect From A Stapled Hemorrhoidectomy

7 January 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Has your doctor recommended that you have a stapled hemorrhoidectomy to address your hemorrhoids? The name sounds a bit scary, but this is just one of several hemorrhoid surgery procedures, and it is actually one of the more common ones. Still, it is helpful to know what to expect as your surgery date approaches, so take a look at the information below. When is a stapled hemorrhoidectomy recommended? This procedure is usually recommended when a patient has prolapsed hemorrhoids. Read More