Diagnosed With Cancer But Still Want To Have Kids Someday? What You Should Know

21 February 2017
 Categories: , Blog

When you find yourself facing a cancer diagnosis, it can seem as though your entire world is shifting and changing quite rapidly. You go from thinking about general everyday issues to worrying about cancer treatments and your odds of remission and recovery. One of the concerns that you may have about dealing with and treating your cancer is the fact that you may want to one day have children. However, many cancer treatments like chemotherapy can leave patients unable to have children later on in life. Read More 

3 Tips For Dealing With Nausea From Chemotherapy

12 January 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Chemotherapy is a wonderful treatment that has saved many people and cured them from their cancer. However, that doesn't mean that that treatment is easy. In fact, the treatment can be extremely taxing and you might deal with one of the unpleasant side effects of nausea. Here are some things that you can do to better cope with the nausea during chemotherapy. 1. Eat Plain Foods Throughout The Day You should treat the nausea much like pregnant women treat pregnancy nausea. Read More