Be Aware Of The Signs Of A Prolapsed Bladder

3 May 2022
 Categories: , Blog

A woman's body changes in several ways during and after pregnancy, including some changes that should encourage a visit to a local medical professional. Some women develop a prolapsed bladder sometime after giving birth. This term describes when your bladder moves into a lower position in your abdomen and sits against the vaginal wall. There are all sorts of ways to successfully treat a prolapsed bladder. Your first step upon suspecting that you have this condition is to contact a urology center in your area and set an appointment. A urologist will assess your body to confirm if a prolapsed bladder is indeed what is going on, and then discuss a few different treatment options with you. Here are some signs that should alert you to this condition.

Feeling Of Pressure

A lot of women experience a new feeling of pressure at the top of their vaginal area when they have a prolapsed bladder. The weight of the bladder against the vaginal wall, especially when the bladder is heavy because it's full of urine, can create a feeling of pressure. This feeling isn't necessarily painful, but it will feel unusual and can be a warning sign to you that something in this part of your body is amiss.

Urinary Issues

It's common to experience one or more urinary issues when you have a prolapsed bladder. You can expect to feel a frequent need to urinate. For example, even after you go to the bathroom, you may feel as though you need to urinate again just a few minutes later. You may also feel as though it's difficult to completely empty your bladder when you urinate. There's a chance that you'll also develop some issues with urinary incontinence. For example, you might release a small amount of urine at various times, such as when you laugh or sneeze.

Discomfort During Sex

It's also possible that you'll experience some degree of discomfort during sex as a result of having a prolapsed bladder. While there are a number of women's health issues that can result in discomfort during sex, there's a chance that a prolapsed bladder is to blame if you experience this discomfort in addition to other symptoms. You should avoid sexual intercourse, especially if the discomfort is significant, until you meet with a urologist to determine the likely cause of this feeling. If you have one or more of these symptoms, reach out to a local urology center.
