Know Your Risk: 4 Signs You Need To Undergo APOE Genetic Testing For Alzheimer's

29 May 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If you're reaching retirement age, you might have started worrying about Alzheimer's disease. After all, this is a disease that affects every aspect of your life. You might have even found yourself worrying that each difficulty you face is related to the onset of Alzheimer's. It's important to note that reaching retirement age doesn't automatically put you at risk for Alzheimer's disease. However, it's also important to know that your concern is valid. Studies show that about 5.8 million people have been diagnosed with the disease. Luckily, there's a test, APOE genetic testing, that can help you identify your risk for developing Alzheimer's. If you haven't been genetically tested for the disease, it might be time to do that. This is particularly true if you've recognize any of the issues described below.

You're Experiencing Memory Problems

It's not uncommon to experience mild forms of memory loss as you age. For instance, you may forget where you put your keys or your shoes. Or, you may forget to pick something up at the store. Those are often just signs of a hectic schedule. However, if you're suffering from significant memory loss, such as forgetting important dates, or you're forgetting aspects of your day, you should talk to your doctor about APOE testing.

Your Mood or Personality Has Changed

If you're concerned about your mood, or you've noticed changes to your personality, you should know that people often have some form of mood or personality changes as they reach retirement age. For instance, you may suddenly decide that you no longer enjoy some of the activities you once took part in. Or, you may no longer have patience with large groups of children. Those changes don't necessarily mean that you're at risk for Alzheimer's. However, if you suddenly find yourself getting angry at ordinary events or you've become withdrawn, it's time to talk to your doctor about APOE testing.

You're Finding It Difficult to Complete Tasks

If you've recently noticed that normal task are becoming more difficult for you to complete, talk to your doctor about APOE testing. Alzheimer's can make it difficult to complete tasks that were once second nature to you.

You Have a Family History of Alzheimer's

If you have a history of Alzheimer's in your family, APOE genetic testing can help identify your risk before you begin to experience symptoms of the disease. If testing confirms that you do carry the gene for Alzheimer's, this information will allow your doctors to implement a treatment plan before your symptoms become severe. In some cases, early treatment can even delay the onset of the disease.

For more information, reach out to APOE genetic services in your area.
