The Head-To-Toe Dangers Of Diabetes

14 October 2015
 Categories: , Blog

When a person is diagnosed with diabetes, it means their body has a tendency to create too much sugar. Having too much sugar in your body can cause a variety of symptoms from extreme thirst to blurred visions. Sometimes more serious complications can arise. So what are the head-to-toe dangers of diabetes?


Diabetes can affect the blood vessels in the eyes. This can lead to blurred vision, double vision, and even blindness. If you are diabetic and are having issues with your eyes, you should seek a doctors help immediately. Unfortunately, damaged blood vessels cannot be repaired, but a doctor can help slow the progression of vision problems.

When it comes to the mouth, diabetics have an increased risk of repeated gum infections. Keeping on top of your yearly dentist appointments is a must if you are diabetic.

Your Organs

Diabetes can wreak havoc on the inside of your body. Multiple organs can be affected. One of those organs is the heart. Because of a diabetics fluctuating sugar levels, they have an increased risk of heart attack or stroke. Unfortunately, diabetics typically do not show the same signs of heart attack like a non-diabetic would. Because nerves are usually damaged, the chest pain that is associated with a heart attack is less likely to happen. Instead, the person may feel short of breath. This can be very dangerous.

People who have uncontrollable diabetes may end up suffering from kidney failure, which is where the kidneys stop functioning. This usually leads to dialysis and, if the person is a good candidate, a kidney transplant.

The bladder can also be affected and cause incontinence. This is a condition where urine involuntary leaks out.

Lower Extremities

Nerve damage is common in diabetics. This causes multiple problems with the legs and feet. The resulting numbness from the nerve damage can make it hard for someone with diabetes to know if they have hurt themselves. Unfortunately, because of blood vessel damage, circulation to the lower half of the body can be compromised. This makes healing very difficult. If a diabetic hurts themselves, but is unaware of it, the wound could become infected. If the wound gets too infected, the patient is at risk of having to have his foot or leg amputated.

Diabetes is a serious condition. To keep some of the complications associated with diabetes at bay, strict monitoring of your blood sugar levels is required. Always talk to your doctor when you start to have a new symptom. And for more information, talk with primary care physicians, like those at Monticello Clinic.
